Join My Affiliate Program

Earn 30% Commission on Courses and Templates

Looking for amazing Pinterest courses to share with your audience? Products they can't wait to buy? 😍

Ready to actually make more money from affiliate marketing?
Do you blog about blogging, social media, or online marketing?

Then this is THE affiliate program for you!

Sign up below to start earning

30% commission!

Nadalie Bardo Products Preview

Affiliate earning potential by product:

More products launching in 2023.

Get started now!

How Do I Become An Affiliate?

It's easy! Your first step to joining my program is to click the button to "sign up now". Then, fill out the information form on the confirmation page. I need to make sure you’re a good fit for my products. Don’t worry, most people are approved within a week of applying.

Once, your application is approved, you’ll then receive a welcome email from me letting you know that you've been upgraded to affiliate. You'll find your unique affiliate code right here in Teachable.

Here's a PRO TIP - sign up with your existing Teachable email and account (if you have one)!

Your Instructor

Nadalie Bardo
Nadalie Bardo
Hey! I'm Nadalie Bardo and I'm simply in LOVE with Pinterest. For the last 8 years, I've built my personal development blog, It’s All You Boo’s authority, and reach for free with just Pinterest and SEO. Achieving 1M views on Pinterest since my first month, I've organically grown my email list to 24K+ subscribers and 1000s of happy customers from digital products and course sales. As a Pinterest Coach, I'm dedicated to helping blogs, businesses, and brands achieve their goals of more traffic, more subscribers, and more sales.

Course Curriculum

  Start here ---->
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

What products can I promote?
As soon as your application is approved, you’re able to promote my complete Pinterest Program, Pinterest Popular ($594 USD regular price = up to $178.20 USD), Next Level Pin Designs / Idea Pin Starter Kit / Video Pin Starter Kit ($49 regular priced = up to $14.70 USD) and The Pin Template Starter Kit ($36 USD regular priced = up to $10.80 USD).
Where do I find my affiliate links?
Once your application is approved and you're upgraded to an affiliate, you will find your affiliate code right here in Teachable. You can also watch the how-to video inside the "join my affiliate program" course after you sign up.
When and how do I get paid?
After you've entered your Paypal account information, Teachable will automatically track and payout your commission every 30 days (i.e. on the first business day of the month).

Have questions about joining my affiliate program?

Click here to send me an email.

Get started now!