Pinterest Popular

How to get more traffic, subscribers and sales for FREE with Pinterest

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What if you could get more traffic, more subscribers, and more sales with Pinterest without spending time pinning every day?

You’re NOT exactly new to Pinterest. You’ve been around long enough to know what popular pins and profiles should look and feel like.😍

This is why you know that you haven’t quite figured out Pinterest as yet. When you’re on your profile or looking at your pins, you just don’t “get the feels” about it. You know something is wrong.

And here’s how you know...

  • 📉 Every time you log in to check your Pinterest stats, your heart sinks when you realize your views and your clicks are still stagnant or slipping. Even though you’re doing everything you’re supposed to, it’s clear from the lack of traffic to your blog that you’re stuck and just not growing.
  • 📭 Whenever anyone asks you about your email subscribers, you think, “what email subscribers, I’m lucky if I get one or two people to sign up.” You’re so frustrated because you’re writing content, creating pins, and pinning daily but no one is clicking on them, and when they do hardly anyone joins your list. Let’s not even talk about your lack of sales (affiliate or otherwise).
  • 😵‍💫 You always feel behind or overwhelmed by Pinterest. You're inconsistent with posting, can’t seem to find the time, and forget about keeping up with algorithm changes. If we’re being really honest right now Pinterest feels like too much work for too little payoff. You wonder, is Pinterest even still worth it?

"I knew how powerful Pinterest could be, it's how I got my blog off the ground when I first started marketing it in 2016. Then, I became a Pinterest manager and was so focused on client work I let my own Pinterest account fall by the wayside. And even after I stopped doing any client work, I didn't pick it back up again, it just seemed too overwhelming, too much to do it right.

Until I took Nadalie's course - holy cow, it's been amazing! It's completely fluff-free and with her super actionable lessons and tips to work soooo much faster I'm actually starting to resurrect my Pinterest accounts and could not be more excited about diving back into Pinterest. I can't wait to start seeing results from Pinterest again and I now look forward to making Pins and adding it back into my marketing plan. Thank you Nadalie you truly have created an incredible course, and having taken more than a few - I would know!

- Liz Stapleton, Blogger Breakthrough Summit

"Pinterest Popular is the course that I have been searching for! Nadalie covers literally everything you will need to be successful on Pinterest. After taking this course I finally feel confident with my Pinterest strategy. Nadalie is a great teacher who shows you all the steps in a clear and concise manner! If you've been wanting to step up your Pinterest game, and have been looking for someone you can trust—you found it!"

- Bree Pair, Founder & CEO of Thrive


Sometimes Pinterest makes you want to scream and throw your phone away. You’re stressed, you’re frustrated and it feels like Pinterest hates you. ❤️‍🩹 That, the platform loves all these other bloggers whose pins you see everywhere, but not yours.

Let’s get right to the reason you’re here, you're NOT popular on Pinterest, and neither are your pins. BUT, you so want to be!

Yeah, it sucks when you feel like Pinterest isn’t on your side. When you feel like you’re failing at this blogging thing. But, I've got the BEST NEWS ever for you.

(aka. using Pinterest like a boss without any of the stress)

Step #1:
Exhale all your Pinterest frustrations and every reason you think you suck at Pinterest.

I’m serious! Breathe in and exhale slowly. Let go of each and every one. Stop thinking you’re not a good enough graphic designer, that you don’t have enough time, can’t afford Tailwind, that your niche is over-saturated, or that Pinterest just doesn't love you. Whatever your reasons for struggling, just let it go.

Are you starting to feel a bit better? 😌 Awesome.

Step #2:
Picture yourself FIGURING OUT PINTEREST like you always dreamed you could.

Remember the first time you heard about the potential of Pinterest, how it’s the #1 source of traffic for bloggers? Think about how excited you were for more traffic, more subscribers, and more sales.
🤩 How you saw yourself becoming Pinterest Popular.

"If you're into my teaching style, you'll love Nadalie's too. She's the Pinterest Princess, and just like me, gives you all the behind-the-scenes secrets you need to make Pinterest work for you, even when it seems complicated."

- Liz Wilcox, The Fresh Princess of Email Marketing

"Even though I have taken many Pinterest marketing courses, I was still blown away by Nadalie's Pinterest Popular! She has provided so many details and insights into mastering your Pinterest game and laid out specific step-by-step strategies that will cover all aspects from setting up your Pinterest profile, to designing click-worthy pins and in-depth understanding of Pinterest SEO.

Nadalie is no doubt one of the best Pinterest marketing gurus to learn from. Not only is she personally on top of her Pinterest marketing game, she certainly has a flair for teaching, breaking down complex Pinterest marketing concepts into easy-to-implement strategies that can help you grow your business effectively. "

- Faith Lee, Faith Biz Academy

"Nadalie's Pinterest Popular is the only Pinterest course I've ever taken that actually WORKS! The workbooks get you thinking about your business, and her trackers make it easy to see your results. I've only implemented part of the course so far, and already my outbound clicks to my website have increased by 5% in a couple of weeks! I can't wait to see how much more growth I get once I fully implement her strategies and wait the 6-12 months it usually takes for Pinterest to fully kick in. Thank you Nadalie for such an epic course!"

- Nina Clapperton, She Knows SEO


ps. by "figuring out" Pinterest, I mean…

  • 🎨 You can easily design click-worthy pins with just a few clicks because you’ve got templates that actually get noticed. Did I mention that you’re branding is so on point other bloggers are starting to notice you too?

  • 🔎 For you, Pinterest SEO is so simple it’s silly. Yup, you’re a master at Pin SEO, you not only know where to find the best keywords but all the places to put them. Of course, your pins rank in Pinterest search results.

  • 📊 No more Yo-yo stats! You have consistent performing pins that continue to drive clicks, traffic and all that good stuff to your site without you pinning like a maniac. Even pins from ages ago are constantly being rediscovered.

  • ❤️ You’re getting new followers every week by just pinning. And your Idea Pins are growing your brand presence and transforming you into a Pinterest influencer. Other bloggers and brands in your niche know who you are and want to collaborate with you.

  • 📈 Your email list is growing on auto-pilot. Every single day, you’re discovered by your target audience of readers and customers who love your pins, read your blog, connect with your brand, and cannot wait to buy from you.

  • ⏰ You’re not spending time pinning every day, because you don’t have to! Yup - you’ve got a hands off pinning strategy that works for you even when you’re not. No more being stressed about “filling up” your Tailwind schedule.

"Okay I am OBSESSSSEEED with you Nadalie and with Pinterest popular!!! Gahhh! I self-taught myself pinterest years ago but so many things have changed and I didn't keep up. It's time to shake things up and get my Pinterest account working for me again and Pinterest Popular is just blowing my mind. Seriously. Not only are you incredibly thorough when you teach you also have RECAPS, which pulls everything together for my busy brain. I now have a complete SEO strategy, design strategy, Tailwind breakdown at my fingertips. It feels like I can take back control over my Pinterest again and get another source of traffic to my business. THANK YOU."

- Eden Fried, Rebel Boss

Pinterest Popular has reignited my love for Pinterest marketing! After feeling like it was impossible to get any traction, Nadalie’s course has given me so many ideas and hacks to finally start pinning with confidence again!”

- Mim Jenkinson, Love From Mim

"If you want to grow on Pinterest, you need this course! It breaks down absolutely everything you need to know -- from how to design pins that actually get clicked to how to do Pinterest SEO and increase your website traffic to creating an effective pinning schedule and beyond. There are also valuable resources included, like an epic Pinterest tracker, and an implementation workbook.

Personally, my favorite part of the course is getting to go behind-the-scenes to see (and steal!) Nadalie’s workflow and get a clear visual of how everything the course teaches can be applied in real life."

- Jessie Festa, Solo Travel Blogger, Jessie On a Journey

pps. Did I mention that you’ve got so much Tailwind credit you’ll never have to pay again, meaning you’ve secured your traffic, subscribers, and sales for years to come at no cost?

🥳 Pretty awesome right?

This is my Pinterest reality, this is what it means to be Pinterest Popular, and I so want this for you too.

Step #3:

Pinterest was frustrating, it was hard to figure it out how to get more traffic, subscribers and sales on your own.
But, it’s about to become super easy for you to be Pinterest Popular!

"Nadalie is a Pinterest GENIUS!!!! I always struggled with Pinterest which resulted in me NOT doing anything with it... and only getting random click-throughs to my site (I almost gave up on Pinterest). Now, that I have found this amazing course (YAY!!)... I'm so excited for what my future Pinterest game will bring. I know it will change forever! The course is COMPLETE + so easy to follow, and Nadalie makes it super easy for anyone & everyone. THIS IS The best Pinterest course I've seen... For REALZ!! Thanks for creating it Nadalie XOXO"

- Julie C Butler, Business Coach

"When I started on Pinterest in 2018, it was easier for my PINS to get noticed then. But with all the changes that Pinterest makes, I decided I needed to find a Pinterest expert that I could regularly rely on. Nadalie is and always will be my person. When I noticed her huge success on Pinterest, I was thrilled to find that Nadalie teaches this course. Now I'm able to keep up on the best Pinterest strategies to easily drive traffic to my website & shops without wasting time. I'm so excited to see where my Pinterest account will be in a year from now!"

- Karen Kohn, Determined to Love Mondays

"I especially love 'The Talk' lesson where Nadalie gives an overview of what is needed to create a successful Pinterest Strategy. I love that Nadalie is invested in getting you to understand WHY you're doing the things she's recommending. She talks about your funnel and how that relates to the strategy you're building for Pinterest which is refreshing to see as these foundations are so important. With sections on optimizing your profile, design, and Pinterest SEO, you'll be ready to tackle the more involved aspects of a Pinterest strategy like leveraging boards and creating a workflow for pinning, all of which Nadalie covers in detail."

- Kimberly Costa, Illustrator & Designer


The 3-step system that shows you click-by-click how to get more traffic, more subscribers and more sales for FREE with Pinterest.

(Nothing else is required. This is THE ONLY Pinterest course you’ll ever need.)

Your Instructor

Nadalie Bardo
Nadalie Bardo
Hey! I'm Nadalie Bardo and I'm simply in LOVE with Pinterest. For the last 8 years, I've built my personal development blog, It’s All You Boo’s authority, and reach for free with just Pinterest and SEO. Achieving 1M views on Pinterest since my first month, I've organically grown my email list to 24K+ subscribers and 1000s of happy customers from digital products and course sales. As a Pinterest Coach, I'm dedicated to helping blogs, businesses, and brands achieve their goals of more traffic, more subscribers, and more sales.

Want to know more about Pinterest Popular?

Let’s take a look inside.

Pinterest Popular

Join #PinPopular, and you’ll get…

  • 💻 15+ Hours of Click-by-Click Pinterest training on all things Pinterest from setting up your profile and designing all types of pins, to using Pinterest SEO, manual pinning, and the number one Pinterest scheduler Tailwind. Absolutely nothing is left out!
  • 📊 The Ultimate Pinterest Tracker to keep you and your pins organized. No more wondering what pins you designed for what post or where and when you pinned which pin. Plus, you’ll use your tracker for your keywords, scheduling pins, and more.
  • 📚 Course Notes and Worksheets for each and every lesson, so you don’t have to worry about taking notes and can focus on implementing what you’ve learned instead. Simply download PDFs and print or save paper by typing right into them.
  • 🎁 Special BONUSES including $30 Tailwind Credit (for new sign-ups) and extra tech training for Canva, Social Warfare, ChatGPT, Hubbub Pro, Pin Inspector, and more. You’ll learn how to use all the top Pinterest tools to grow your account.

All of this and more will be accessible to you 24/7 in Teachable.

"The one and only course you’ll need to master Pinterest to skyrocket your sales. Designed for both beginners and intermediate Pinterest users you’re going to learn the best strategies to get your pins ranked through SEO and get clicks to your shop.

Nadalie is SO fun to work with and the BOSS when it comes to Pinterest marketing."

- Jav Sid, Cut N Make Craft

"I've taken a lot of Pinterest courses, and no matter how big or well-known the brand is, most of them are more or less the same. Pinterest Popular is different - it's the ONLY course I recommend. It starts from zero and goes so far beyond just how the platform works (where many courses stop) but also outlines a clear long-term strategy and teaches you how to audit your content and continue tweaking your account. I can't recommend it enough."

- Kayla Ihrig, Writing From Nowhere

"Nadalie is a Pinterest wizard! She took me from the most basic basics (how to design Pins to get them noticed) to more advanced strategies that helped me learn when to pin, where to pin, and how to make my account stand out.

In just a short time, she increased my Pinterest views by 10x, helping me driving traffic to my site and signups to my email list and webinar."

- Carly Helfand, Travel Blogger, 52 Cities Blog


Ready to be Pinterest Popular?


Plus, choose the best payment plan for you.

"Nadalie makes SEO for Pinterest so much easier to understand and implement in her Pinterest Popular course. It's thorough and really gets you to deep think about your brand and business and covers exactly everything you need to be successful on Pinterest and is very easy to follow. After taking this course, I feel confident that Pinterest is not dead and can't wait to implement the strategies to drive more traffic to my websites. Definitely a game changer. Thank you for creating this gem."

- Chelsea Shelton, Gold City Ventures

"If I had to sum up Pinterest Popular with one word, it would be WOW!!! I've taken several Pinterest marketing courses before but none have even come close to what this course offers. Pinterest Popular is super comprehensive, yet really easy to understand & implement. It covers everything you could ever need to know in order to totally crush it on Pinterest, including a lot of tips, tricks, & tools I'd never even heard of before.

- Britt Reber, Not Your Mom's Gifts

"I like to refer to my life as BN and AN short for Before Nadalie and After Nadalie. I think you'll agree when I'm through that my Pinterest life was much better AN. This is a comprehensive course (if I haven't said that yet) that has helped me gain traction and continue to grow. I would never have figured it all out on my own. It's one of my best business investments I've made to date. Seriously, buy it. NOW! Unless you want to be a Pinterest nobody. "

- Heather Ritchie, Freelance Writer, Passion Writes Life

Here’s how you become Pinterest Popular.


You click the enroll now button, choose your payment option, and securely check out with a credit card, G Pay or PayPal.


You’ll immediately receive a confirmation of your enrollment email, and an invitation to log into the course right here on Teachable, plus a welcome email with a walkthrough video from me.


You’ll be on your way to Pinterest Popular in three simple steps: setup, start and scale.

First, you'll optimize your Pinterest profile, design your pin templates and learn PinSEO.

In Part 2, you'll create a Pinterest strategy that works for you and use Tailwind to skyrocket your reach.

Then, you get more from Pinterest with less time and effort, using your analytics to optimize your pins and pinning strategy.

(see below for a lesson-by-lesson course breakdown)


Sooner than you thought possible, you’ll be Pinterest Popular and everyone will be wondering how you did it. You’ll hear how “OMG, your pins are everywhere!


Then, you’ll be off enjoying life and working on the next important task like launching a product, creating a course or writing a book, because you’ve figured out Pinterest. Just, like, that!

So, what are you waiting for? Click below to join now.

"A lot of the information I hear about Pinterest is either anecdotal or out-of-date. But Nadalie shares proven strategies that are not only effective but sustainable, as well. Now I have a pinning strategy I can easily maintain that brings significant traffic to my website. Plus, I've earned over $5,000 in my first 3 months in the Creator Rewards program. I can't thank Nadalie enough for everything she has taught me. This is an excellent course — definitely worth checking out!"

- Amy Katz, Veggies Save The Day

"Nadalie is such a good teacher & her course is super logical and organized! She covers everything from setting up your Pinterest profile, to creating a library of different pins, to the SEO, tools, and tech you'll need, and even includes detailed step-by-step screen share tutorials along the way. All her planners and trackers take the guesswork out of the equation, and she even gives you her entire Pinterest Workflow so you can execute like a boss!

With Pinterest Popular you'll transform from a newbie to a pinning expert wicked FAST! If you want to grow your business by leveraging a smart, evergreen platform, and grow as fast as possible, look no further than Pinterest Popular. This course is so comprehensive you'll never need any other Pinterest course again. It's truly a one-stop-solution to building a thriving business leveraging Pinterest!

- Adrienne Hill, Build a Life By Design

"If you're on the hunt for the ultimate Pinterest course, look no further. Nadalie Bardo's Pinterest Popular course is hands down one of the best I've ever come across. I've taken my fair share of courses, and Nadalie’s stands out as the most comprehensive, crystal-clear, and straightforward Pinterest course out there. She's an incredible instructor, breaking down complex topics into easy-to-understand, actionable steps.

What's great is that her course is super accessible through the Teachable platform, so you can learn on the go or kick back and soak in her lessons. The value of this course is off the charts! For bloggers, this course is an absolute must. Nadalie offers data-backed strategies that have propelled many bloggers to success through Pinterest traffic. It's a game-changer."

- Josie Pena, Blog and Business Coach, Inspired To Blog

Course Curriculum

  Welcome to PinPopular!
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Part 1 Recap
Available in days
days after you enroll
  ✨ = Recently Updated Video
Available in days
days after you enroll

"Pinterest Popular is where it's AT! It's simple enough to where you won't get overwhelmed, yet detailed enough to give the full scope of what ACTUALLY makes a difference on Pinterest!

Nadalie is a wonderful Pinterest guide who doesn't waste time on fluff, and genuinely cares about her students achieving results! Since learning from her, my website traffic, subscribers, and digital product sales have increased all because of Pinterest."

- KellyAnne Zielinski, Self Leadership Global

"It is an epic Pinterest course. I have already seen increases in impression volume, even though I have not implemented all the changes. Pinterest Popular has a HUGE amount of content! If you are looking for a course to take you from zero to expert, this is it. I have been using Pinterest and Tailwind for my blog for over a year, yet one tip in part 2 cut the time that I spend on Pinterest in half while increasing my results. This is an excellent course — definitely worth it!"

- Jennifer Webb, Personal Development Blogger, Contentment Questing

"With recent Pinterest changes, I didn't know what to do to get more traffic, more subscribers, or make sales with Pinterest. That is until Nadalie helped me. She took out all of the Pinterest confusion and provided me with a targeted strategy that's so simple to implement that I can hardly believe it. Take Pinterest Popular! You'll be glad you did."

- Marina Lotaif, Online Business Coach, Yes to Tech

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts the instant you enroll. It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. You can binge all the lessons or take your time, the choice is yours. That means this course, including all the videos, notes and worksheets are accessible to you 24-7 on-demand.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. You'll also get access to all future updates and upgrades. Pinterest is always changing and this course will evolve with it. Some of those future updates will include interviews with top Pinterest experts on topics like affiliate marketing.
If I join, do I need to pay for anything else?
This course is all you need. ⚙️ Yes, I recommend WordPress plugins and tools like Social Warfare Pro and Hubbub Pro ($29-49/year) which could make things easier, but none are required. Not even Tailwind because you can use a FREE forever account + use a $30 Tailwind credit to upgrade when you're ready. Plus, I teach you how to design all types of pins in Canva, a FREE graphic design tool.
Who is this course made for?
If you're a blogger or creator who makes content and wants more traffic, subscribers, and sales with Pinterest, then this course is for you. If Pinterest stresses you out and you’re overwhelmed by things like creating pins, knowing how to pin, or making Pinterest work for you, then this course is what you're looking for.👏🏽 And, if you’re a Pinterest (or Tailwind) newbie you’ll get the most out of this course because it is an all-in-one solution that teaches you everything you need to know. You’ll never need to buy another Pinterest course. ❌ This is NOT a Pinterest Ads or eCommerce course! ❌ Pinterest Popular is for bloggers and creators who want to grow with organic and free traffic. It's for you if you're committed to making content for your site, shop, or services.
I’ve taken Pinterest courses before, what makes your course different?
Great question! This course shares techniques, tips, and tricks you have never seen before.✨ I know this because, unlike most Pinterest courses that recycle the same old advice, Pinterest Popular is unique to my teaching style, and 8 years of Pinterest experience. Plus, I'm constantly updating the course with every Pinterest change, like my new lessons on using AI for Pinterest. 😱 Plus, unlike other Pinterest programs on the market, it's a course, not a membership that locks you into paying monthly forever for fear of losing access. Also, Pinterest is my thing, and it has been for eight years.
I’m not new to Pinterest, will this course still help me?
Yes, absolutely! Especially if you're stuck below 1 million Pinterest views and your traffic, subscribers, or sales are not growing. Or, if your stats have been going up and down or you’re finding it difficult to keep up with your Pinterest strategy. That tells me that something isn’t working for you. This course is also made for you if it's been years since you used Pinterest successfully. Pinterest's best practices and strategies have changed drastically since then. If you used those old strategies today, you could permanently destroy your account. Don't get banned or your domain blocked from Pinterest.
What makes this course special, can’t I find this information online?
Sure, if what you’re looking for is no clear strategy to success! There are loads of sites out there all about Pinterest, but as I’m sure you’ve noticed, you’re reading the same information over and over. Hardly anyone has anything new to say or techniques to teach you. What they WON’T teach you is how to get better Pinterest results in less time, with less effort. You won’t know how to have a hands-off strategy that works without you spending time pinning daily. They also won’t help you build your own Pinterest strategy using an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process. That's something you'll only get here! And what’s dangerous is a lot of free content on Pinterest teaches outdated strategies that can get you blocked or banned on Pinterest.
Why should I invest in Pinterest and not Instagram or SEO?
Pinterest is the best way for new creators to grow their traffic, subscribers, and sales for free. And if you've been blogging for less than five years, you’re still a new blogger. Unlike Instagram which gives you depressing results and organic Google traffic that's unreliable, anyone can be successful at Pinterest (if they know how!). Figuring out Pinterest can set you up for online success.
I’m so not tech-friendly, will I be able to complete this course?
Do not worry! This course is created with the absolute newbie in mind. Each lesson takes you click-by-click. I break everything down to the basics so you’re never left confused. 🙌🏽 And the workbooks help too. Any tool I teach including Canva, Tailwind, Social Warfare, ChatGPT, Pin Inspector, and of course, Pinterest, is broken down into bite-sized lessons that are easy to follow.
What if I have questions or need help during the course?
No worries at all! I’m here to answer your questions. Not only can you email me ([email protected]) at any time, but you can ask me questions right inside the course. But, I’ve made it my mission to make sure that every course video answers every possible question, the lessons are just that good.
Is this course worth the price?
The choice is simple, you can stay frustrated with Pinterest or you can figure it out already. How would it feel to secure traffic to your blog at no additional expense? To be free to focus on other things, like launching that course or writing that book? This course costs less than paying for one month of Pinterest management.
Is this course just for certain niches?
Nope! This course is for every niche on Pinterest. Whether your niche is home decor, food + drink, fashion, DIY + crafts, blogging, business, health + wellness, lifestyle, parenting, personal growth, or something completely different, this course is for you. (Yes, that's a list of some of my student's niches.)

"Nadalie's Pinterest Course is what every blogger/entrepreneur needs to take to step up their Pinterest game. I have been searching for help with Pinterest for over 6 months and was not seeing results. I spent well over $1000 trying to find someone to help me with my account and after not seeing results I decided to manage my account myself.

I knew I needed help figuring out how to transform my account which is why I decided to take Pinterest Popular with Nadalie Bardo. After enrolling in Nadalie's course I started to see my analytics go up after one month of using her tips consistently. If you're struggling on how to make your Pinterest go from drab to FAB you have to take this course. "

- Amanda Reeder, Pretty Little Style Blog

"I had a Pinterest business account set up and pinned a few things each month without a strategy. Despite this, some organic traffic was trickling into my travel blog. However, after the Google HCU Update, my traffic dropped, and I needed to change things! That’s when I came across Nadalie Bardo's YouTube videos on Pinterest strategies. Her tutorials were easy to follow. As someone who isn't making a six-figure income from blogging, I was hesitant to enroll in her Pinterest Popular course. But one fine day, I saved enough money and joined.

It's been two months since I purchased her easy-to-understand course, even for those who don't know Pinterest inside and out like me. I am in phase two of her coaching, and I have already seen organic growth in my outbound clicks! I have incorporated 75% of what she has taught and will be implementing all techniques soon. I can't wait to see my travel blog grow with Pinterest, thanks to Nadalie's coaching."

- Sahana, The Vacay Work

"Nadalie is such a great teacher. It’s like sitting down with a friend who takes you by the hand and explains everything! I’ve finally got my Pinterest confidence back. 😊 This course is so comprehensive, absolutely everything is covered. My profile is correctly completed and optimised and I know how to use SEO correctly by using targeted keywords that are highly relevant to my audience. This alone blew my mind!"

- Bethany Holt, Financial Blogger

"Nadalie has a gift for teaching Pinterest & using it to grow your email list, website traffic, and overall leads. I love that she provides a one-stop shop."

- Hailey Rowe, Marketing & Sales Consultant & LinkedIn Lead Generation Service Provider

"Nadalie is a dream teacher, her ability to break down the content into bite-sized nuggets of value is uncanny. It is so frustrating trying to piece together other people’s advice and make sense of it. Nadalie’s Pinterest course is comprehensive and an all in one solution."

- Sandra Francisco, Business Coach

"Pinterest Popular is the course you need to take to master Pinterest and gain massive traffic to your website for free! Compared to other Pinterest courses I've taken, this one definitely is the most comprehensive and goes to the next level! And I simply love Nadalie's teaching style and she has covered everything from the basic to the advanced level, so you don't miss anything!"

- Amira Irfan, Six-Figure Blogger, A Self Guru

Nadalie takes complete beginners like me through every step needed to use Pinterest effectively for blog or business. She helps experienced business owners navigate Pinterest details and optimize for SEO as well. I’m learning Pinterest more quickly and thoroughly than trying to do it on my own. I’m so glad I took the leap! Go from zero to proficiency! PinPopular is a decision you won’t regret!

- Janet, QuietJoys

"If you are looking for an up-to-date program on Pinterest that is teaching the strategies that are working RIGHT NOW on Pinterest, you need Pinterest Popular. Nadalie breaks down her teachings in such a fun and easy-to-understand way.

And she walks through the basics such as setting up your Pinterest profile all the way through account optimization, designing and planning your pins (regular, idea, and video!), and even Pinterest SEO and more. If you are like me and are looking to get back into Pinterest but feel lost because of all the changes, Nadalie and her Pinterest Popular course are exactly what you need!"

- Lindsey Aleson

"Nadalie's Pinterest Popular course is everything you need to know about Pinterest- plus way more! I've been a heavy user of Pinterest for a while now and still, she taught me so much I had never considered before. This is great for beginners who want to start on the right foot but even fantastic for people like me who are comfortable on the platform but still have room to grow. Highly recommended!"

- Kat Smith, A Way Abroad

What Are You Waiting For?

Get more traffic, more subscribers, and more sales with Pinterest today!

Imagine, if this was your Pinterest account.

Growth Results with Pinterest Popular


Are you ready for your impressions, audience, and engagement to grow?

Pinterest Popular Student Results

Ready for your own Pinterest success story?

Click the "enroll" button below and join the Pinterest Popular today!

Get started now!

"PinPopular showed me exactly how to create a fully optimized Pinterest account and how to become a successful pinner on Pinterest. It is a great course for anyone looking to get serious about using Pinterest as their marketing platform to promote their content."

- Paige Loren, Passion Writes Life

"What can I say, other than... WOW! This course is such a goldmine of information and advice on how to set up your Pinterest strategy from scratch. Pinterest has been on my wishlist for years, but it has always been in the 'too hard' basket. Not anymore! Nadalie is sooo thorough and in-depth with this course, it's definitely helping me build my Pinterest account and I am *finally* starting to get it all set up!"

- Bree Boucher, Introvert Launch Coach

"Let me tell you first, this course is worth every single penny. I have been using Pinterest for more than 3 years now but I didn’t know there was still a better way to do pinning which could even save more time, and moreover, a headache to pin every single day.

This course has everything you ever wanted to get started with Pinterest and getting clicks, sales to your website. Did I tell you, Nadalie is a Pinterest genius? She literally walks you through the entire comprehensive course by virtually holding your hand. Get yourself out of Pinterest confusion and rock your Pinterest results today!"

- Arfa Nazeer, Blogger, She Means Blogging

"This course is amazing! I thought I would be able to whip through it in a few weeks, but it has taken me a lot of work to put together all of the steps. I have already seen an increase in my traffic from Pinterest. I love that this course gave me all the tools to find my own way on Pinterest, find success, work hard (with a road map) and see results. You virtually held my hand through all of Pinterest, and I feel like an expert now. I’m confident in my knowledge. So thank you, Nadalie. Thank you for giving me a way to streamline my business and give me back hours of my life. "

- Beth Ann, The Life of a Navy Nuke Wife

"When I first started using Pinterest to increase brand awareness for my online courses and book cover design business, I had a basic knowledge of the platform. Then I discovered Nadalie and her Pinterest Popular course. For me, it was a game-changer. With each lesson, I got more and more excited about digging in and seeing how Pinterest could help me. Now, several months later, Pinterest is the top referrer to my website! And, importantly for me, I now have a system for creating eye-catching pins and posting them without a burden on my time.

Nadalie is very accessible and engaging as a teacher, as well. I highly recommend this course for anyone looking to tap into the power of Pinterest for their business."

- Melissa Bourbon, founder of WriterSpark Academy and Book Cover Design